Monday, May 25, 2009

Heading Home

After a lot of learning and bonding at College for Bishops, and now a few days with the next two generations of our family in North Carolina, we are looking forward to heading home tomorrow. There is a back log of business to address in the office and it will be good to spend Pentecost with the good people of All Saints, Las Vegas. I miss yucca.

I complain about the traveling, but it is actually helpful to get away from the diocese now and then in order to get some perspective on it. Perspective breeds patience. That is necessary.


  1. IF ONLY BY LONG DISTANCE: Could you offer "a tip o' the tam" to a BISHOP in South(!) Carolina -- who passed through St. Paul's Episcopal Parish [Bakersfield, CA - per former Fresno, CA Bishop John-David Schofield in the day] en route to his current position. He is an Augustinian scholar of some note.

  2. I will do so. Mark Lawrence is a new friend and a person of deep integrity and authentic faith. I did not know he was an Augustinian scholar, but I am not the least surprised.

  3. "I GOTTA MILLION OF 'EM" ... well, not quite! [There's MARK LAWRENCE story for you appended 'common cup']! This is a former Fresno, CA BISHOP JOHN-DAVID SCHOFIELD STORY - at the ordination of a former businessman-to-priest at the St. Paul's parish hall [Bakersfield - before Mark's arrival as rector]. Local parishes' rectors & choirs 'volunteered' willing members - seated [from pews - on left] while the ordained were seated pew-right! At one point in the ordination liturgy - PANIC ENSUED at the main altar! The Bish [beloved John-David himself] achieved vocal oratory unheard previously in other parish visits! The root cause: The new priest had 'lost his place' in the Order of Worship! INDEED! PANIC and then MORE PANIC - with each passing moment, the Bishop's pronounced baritone reached tenor octaves - then above, nearly duplicating boy soprano range! But, perhaps I under-state! ;-) As this event is unfolding: I look across the way to Fr. Terry Burley, who slowly is coming to the realization that here is a man desperate for some assistance, but no EMTs were there NOR anywhere nearby either! As this is unfolding and Terry & I continue our own best individual efforts to suppress our mutual audible laughter, the Bish (himself) looked at us both as if to inquire: Can't ANYONE get me out of this un-Godly 'd&m*n%d' dilemna? [Well, frankly "NO - YOU SIGNED UP 'for the duration', BISH"]! ;-) Happily things did square away, the ordination was concluded and attendees repaired to basement fellowship hall for vittles - as only Episcopalians can lay on a spread! Curiously absent, however, was the newly ordained - NO WHERE TO BE FOUND, not even in any men's restroom! "TRUE and CORRECT"! ;-)

  4. The above JOHN-DAVID SCHOFIELD then subsequent MARK LAWRENCE stories intended to make your return trip -- by any means -- less tedious and more enjoyable! GODSPEED, sir!
