Yesterday, I struck out from Camp Galilee much impressed with their progress. Aside from the spectacular growth in attendance, I was taken with where the kids and the counsellors came from. We had a good representation of children from Bullhead City, Boulder City, and Parhump, plus some representation from Ephiphany in Henderson. I am absolutely convinced "the space between us" is more in our hearts than in our land. The churches that are intentional about youth and children connecting across parish lines will make it happen. People travel from far away to spend time at Tahoe. They come from quite far and pay much more money. Time and money are not our issue. It's a spiritual thing.
I am deeply grateful to the good people of Boulder City, Bullhead City, and Pahrump for showing the rest of us what we can do if we have the will to do it.
This morning Ken Jewell was ordained at St. Paul's, Elko. Fantastic service. Deacons from Reno, Tahoe/Carson; and Fallon attended. I am thrilled to finally have a chance to ordain a vocational deacon. See Deacon Sermon 1 on the sermon blog.
I then drove back to Reno for a kind of emergent synagogue service at Temple Beth Or. Guitar, clarinet, and tambourine can make for a jazzy Shabbat in a scenic house setting overlooking the city. I also enjoyed being frequently lost and stumbling about in the Prayer Book. It helped me remeber what it's like to visit an Episcopal Church. A good reminder. It was also good to worship outside the usual zone. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. Also fround some great stuff on stewardship from Maimonides in the Prayer Book.
I am so glad that you were able to meet some of the young people that our organzation is working with. They are great...and, they were so excited about having the opportunity to participate in Camp Galilee this summer. We are already setting aside funds for next year. We will hold a camper's meeting once they all return to create a scrapebook and discuss memories. Will keep you posted...