Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Vatican Invitation To Disaffected Anglicans

I am just emerging from Diocesan Convention, so this is my first chance to respond to those who have wanted to hear my thoughts on the Vatican Statement inviting disffected Anglican congregations to become Roman Catholics, but the priests can still be married and they can use Anglican liturgies.

I really think it's perfectly fine. Some disaffected Anglicans are focused on issues where they will line up better with the RC Church -- particularly those who are opposed to the ordination of women. They will have to come to terms with some of the hot button issues in the RC Church, but if they can do that, their unity with a larger group of Christians will sustain their faith, help them be financially viable, and generally promote the gospel mission. We wish them well. We wish the Roman Catholic Church well. It is a good thing.

Other disaffected Anglicans are of a more evangelical persuasion and may not find the RC Church to be a good home. That will be for them to discern and not for us to judge.

Meanwhile, we will continue to seek reconciliation and greater unity with all our fellow Christians.


  1. Just curious - is "of an evangelical persuasion" a euphemism for homophobic?

  2. Not necessarily. People are complicated and groups of people, even more so.

  3. TO MIX METAPHORS: The latest grop fromth Vatican's presenting this hurried "offer" is hardly worthy of a "marriage made in heaven"! Rather doubt the committed members of the recently formig Anglican Church of North America will be fooled in the same manner in which the Archbishop of Canterbury had this untimely, disarmingly, disingenuous (IMO) or benevolent [arguably] "offer" presented just a few minutes (literally!) in London before the actual Press Conference announcement. Perhaps, on later reflection, plus some prayerful consideration & then consultation with some cooler minds - the holy Archbishop might reconsider, then decline the Roman Catholic 'offer'. TO ME A BETTER, far less blatantly proselytizing approach was that made by the Saddleback Church's RICK WARREN in Bedford, TX (22-24 June 2009). NO OVERT ATTEMPT TO PROSELYTIZE; but if any of the disaffected Anglicans' parishes wished to use any of Saddleback Church affilates' property [during those protracted & expensive legal disputes with the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A.] for any Eucharist, meetings or other work - then the Anglicans would be most welcomed!

  4. "CORRECTIONS" to the start of my previous post SHOULD READ: "TO MIX METAPHORS: The latest GROUP FROM THE VATICAN ...", etc. THANK YOU, dear readers, for your patience - whilst my laptop/keyboard via WiFI interface has been developing a mind of its own over Hallowe'en! ;-) CAPEESH??

  5. There are certainly different ways to look at this. I believe both gestures were graciously intended. For evangelicals, Saddle Back may be a better choice. But for conservative Anglo Catholics, the Pope's offer would be truer to what they and most Episcopalians understand as the one-ness of the Church. I don't care that much which denomiation people join. It's all about connecting with Jesus. And, while I disagree with Canterbury and Rome about a lot, I respect the integrity of both Rowan and Benedict.

  6. DAN, most respectfully = YA GOTTA ralize the real world" in which the episcopacy (small 'e') is now dealing! MEMBERSHIPS are falling. The ordained 'elites' in most Protestant denominations have attempted - so far: failingly, demonstrably and unsuccessfully - to "broaden the tent" to hopefully compensate! The ROman CAtholics remain - at the Opus Dei conservative levels - asttrounding that a Presiding Espicopal BISHOP of the Espicopal Church of the U.>A> can be allowed to steal from the bshops & priests' pension funds to lie pockets o lwyers in the protracted properly cour battles! IT HAS BEEN NEEDLESSLY DIVISIVE! [In the civil & legal communities - outside cloistered circles: Such actions would result in long-term imprisonmment at "The New Rock" FEDERAL PENITENTIARY in Lompoc, CA]! Instead at this time, the "Anglican Church of North America" departed in late June, 2009! The Vatican [correctly] recognizes this as 'weakness' and now exploits it! It is hard ball, Dan - and is NOT for the feint of heart! The Archboishop of Canterbury was caught 'flat-footed' by a PROBE via splinter group from The Vatican -- their effort was a classic "divide and conquer" strategem. IT IS CHESS! Not poker! SINCE THE ORDAINED REMAIN IN DENIAL -- IT FALLS TO THE 'UN-WASHED LAITY' TO BESPEAK THE OBVIOUS, to us!!!! We pray for ya! Think Fr. MARTIN LUTHER, then the emergent Reformation in his day! It's deja vu, all over again!
