A Bishop’s review of a diocesan
convention is about as well informed as a stage manager’s review of a play. The
stage manager is preoccupied with the lighting, the props, etc. – and cannot
pay attention to the acting or even the script. I have the worst possible
perspective on our Convention. I can report on the feedback I have received and
the buzz I have heard.
The dominant words have been “mellow,”
“smooth,” and “conflict free.” People noted the absence of “squabbling,”
“bickering,” and “quarrelling.” It seems we experienced some harmony in our
relationships. People also noted that the convention was shorter, less
expensive, and proceeded at a gentler pace with longer breaks for informal
mingling, shopping the vendor area, and catching our breath.
All of that sounds pleasant enough, but
maybe a little sleepy. It may have been a sleepy convention. If so, that’s ok.
We need rest. But I am not sure it was sleepy. During our several table
discussion exercises – asset mapping, Bible study, and discussion of my address
– and during the special mission group asset mapping exercise, the
conversations looked and sounded quite energetic. The sticky notes from the
table discussions are imaginative, creative, out of the box. Leaders of special
mission groups are making appointments to discuss ideas that came out of their
group process.
What to make of this? Perhaps we had a
different kind of energy going in a different kind of process. Maybe there was
more imagining of new possibilities instead of haggling over limited options. I
wish I could have been a fly on the wall at each of those small group
conversations. I don’t know what happened, but it sounds like it was good.
Note: these were conversations among people from all over the diocese at
randomly assigned tables. Could this be a small step in knitting our
relationships together? Too soon to say.
One thing did puzzle me. Of all the
things I said in the Bishop’s Address, the one thing I expected to get a
response was the goal of reducing the assessment on parishes by 5% over the
next 5 years, regardless of what happens at the national level, and by a larger
percentage if the national assessment on dioceses goes down.
I was surprised that reducing the
financial burden on parishes met such a ho-hum response. I have been trying to
figure out why that should be. First possibility, people don’t believe it will
actually happen. Second, meeting this goal depends on congregations engaging in
evangelism and stewardship programs – maybe people would rather pay the 25%
assessment than do that. Third, maybe each congregation is itself ready and
willing to engage in evangelism and stewardship, but they do not believe other
congregations will do so. Fourth, we may
have grown accustomed to slaving under and complaining (rightly) about the 25%
assessment, and don’t really want to give it up. It is such a familiar,
comfortable misery. Fifth, if we had the extra revenue left in the parish coffers,
we would then have to imagine and carry out a new mission. That could be
But I have no basis whatsoever for any of these ideas – they
are pure speculation. Any insights others have on the reduction in the
assessment question would be welcome. I announced it as my goal, assuming the
diocese would share it, but I could be wrong.
On the business side of convention, we did not do a lot, but
what we did was helpful. First, we cleaned up the new unified board canon
defining the make up and role of the Standing Committee, and passed the complex
2-year process of transitioning into a pattern of staggered elections so that
each Mission District will elect a member to Standing Committee each year. The
main thing accomplished by this year’s amendment is to empower Mission
Districts to elect the Standing Committee. This is the first time we have
placed actual governance authority in Mission Districts.
Empowering Mission Districts this way does call them to
exercise a bit more disciplined process for one or two meetings each year, but
should not interfere with their continuing informal ways of doing whatever else
they do (which varies widely from District to District). What the Diocese needs
from Mission Districts is for the people who will be at convention to: 1. Elect
the Standing Committee. 2. Review and comment on the proposed budget, canon
revisions, and resolutions. That will enable us to transact the business of the
diocese more effectively, in smaller groups, with time to make the changes people
People have pointed out to me that there are various
glitches and inconsistencies in our diocesan canons. Cleaning up canons is like
housework. Like “a woman’s work” the Canon Committee’s work is never done.” None
of these defects is fatal to our common life; so we will work on them a little
each year, giving top priority to things like the governing board structure
that actually affect our mission.
We also passed a resolution for a companion relationship
with the Diocese of Machakos (Anglican Church of Kenya). That is just a
proposal. They would have to accept by a similar resolution at a future
convention of their own. We shall send flowers and wait.
Finally, Grace in the Desert was an excellent host and
coordinated a lovely Eucharist. The Bare Bones Blues Band played and sang
splendid jazz music. Various suggestions have come in for next year in Fallon –
including more opportunities for dancing.
I would be very pleased if we could get the Diocesan Mission and Service amount reduced from 25 to 20%. haven't made any comments because I haven't seen new reporting forms out of the committee I was on and seemingly little feedback on the new form. Also, the Diocese does have financial needs. Unless the net income subject to asking increases at the parish level, there won't be the ability to reduce the asking rate, but I'd love to see it implemented. EET, CPCU