We set out from the Cathedral
Close this morning when the light was still fresh and the birds were singing
their greetings to a new day. It is the right time to go to the Old City to
pray the Stations of the Cross. Almost anything I could say would be exactly
what you would expect about walking – probably not in the steps of Jesus, but –
in the steps of pilgrims who have prayed at these 14 stations for so very long,
etc. I was the reader at the station where Jesus fell for the second time. I
fumbled my line. Seemed fitting.
Praying the Stations also
reminded me of my years at St. Francis. The Stations here are Franciscan. And I
was at St. Francis 14 years, one year for each station. I remembered how
reverently we sang the Trisagion between each station. I also remembered the
year the dog was caught in the cage trap right outside the 8th
Station just as we were praying it, how I recruited a guy from NA to help me
move the cage to the porch to get it out of the rain, and had to wait until nearly
10 that night for Edwina Barnes’ minions to come for the dog and reunite her to
her puppies. For those who do not know the story, it is too long to tell and
would implicate too many of us in misdemeanors against the City of Macon – but
it was an adventure.
We spent the morning at the
Israel Museum. It had a great exhibit on Herod the Great – particularly items
from his Jericho Palace – including a sarcophagus that is probably his. Herod
certainly put Israel on the map and built a lot of magnificent building when we
wasn’t busy having his own family executed and warding off plots, real or
imagined. If he didn’t order the slaughter of the innocents in Matthew, it
isn’t because he wouldn’t have done it.
The other high point of the
museum was the Dead Sea Scrolls. The exhibit featured some facsimiles of the
scrolls, and one real deal part of the scrolls. I don’t know what to say about
that except to say, it was a “Golleee look at that” moment.
This afternoon we went to the
Holocaust Museum. Again, my response is just what you would expect. It was
heartbreaking, devastating, overwhelming. But it stirred me to do some
reflecting on current social dynamics that smack of a similar evil. I am
reading Martha Nussbaum’s book, The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming The
Politics Of Fear In An Anxious Age. She discusses the neurology of fear – a
primitive, reflexive, natural, essential emotion – and how fear can be focused
by rhetoric and culture on particular people.
Anti-Semitism is old and
Christians bear significant guilt for that. See, James Carroll, The Sword Of
Constantine. But something else began to stir in modern times with two
fictional works, The Rabbi’s Speech in Biarritz, an 1872 novel by Hermann
Goedsche, and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a hoax purporting to be a
Jewish plan for world domination, first published in Russia in 1902. Hitler
distributed The Protocols to support his campaign against the Jews. But before
we dismiss this as something “the Germans did,” we should note that Henry Ford
paid to have 500,000 copies of the Protocols distributed in the United States
in the 1920s. When we do not feel in control of the world – perhaps you have
noticed United States dominion slipping away – we feel afraid and our culture
finds someone to blame, some threat – preferably a hidden threat, an “enemy
Nussbaum describes numerous
instances of religious intolerance surging today. It is stronger in Europe than
in the United States where Roger Williams is not quite forgotten. See John
Barry, Roger Williams And The Creation Of The American Soul. Switzerland, for
example, has amended its Constitution to ban minarets. Businesses and
governments in several northern European countries are exceedingly anxious
about headscarves and several countries have outlawed burqas.
But the United States is not
exempt. Consider for example Gellar’s book, Stop The Islamicization Of America:
A Practical Guide; the Homeland Security Committee’s hearings investigating
Islam in America; or the allegations of Michelle Bachman and several other
Congressional representatives that Muslim-Americans are spreading the influence
of the Muslim Brotherhood in our government (allegations condemned by the U. S.
Catholic Bishops and other Christian leaders). It seems someone is always
infiltrating the highest halls of power – Jews, Communists, Muslims – whoever
the sinister “other” of the day may be. Even the President who often worships
at an Episcopal Church and receives the sacrament is suspected of being a
secret Muslim.
We are not exempt. Our
history of racism is fraught with atrocities. Our actions against Native
Americans prove our capacity for genocide. We have at times persecuted
religious minorities. The reactions to Latino immigrants today even within the
Church are sometimes very troubling.
The Holocaust/ Shoah was
horrendous, but is not the only occasion of mass genocide. Pol Pot killed two
million of his people in Cambodia from 1975 – 1979. The Tutsis killed between
500,000 and one million Hutus in Rwanda in just 100 days in 1994. (If you have not
read Left to Tell by survivor Immaculee Ilibigiza, it is a must. http://www.amazon.com/Left-Tell-Discovering-RwandanHolocaust/dp/1401908977/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363014631&sr=1-1&keywords=imaculee+ilibagiza)
If we are human we have a
brain hard-wired for fear. We are therefore susceptible to the power of
rhetoric and culture that can lead us to do unspeakable, unimaginable things.
If we do not believe genocide is possible here, now, neither did Germans or
Jews in the 1930s. The ever-present possibility makes it crucial that Christianity
be a barrier to fear and hatred, not a harbinger of either. It is crucial that
Christianity participate in our society as a counter-force of faith and
reconciliation against fear and hatred. The best of Christians, the truest
Christians, like Dietrich Bonheoffer, did that in Germany, but they were too
little, too late. The Jews must not be the only ones to say “Never again.” We
must say it with them. We must never again participate in, condone, or tolerate
the kind of evil that metastasizes into genocide. And we must not wait until
the scapegoats are being rounded up for slaughter before we take our stand.
Faith and reconciliation must be our strong stance from the very beginning
against fear mongering, blame shifting, prejudice, and bigotry.
It is amazing how all of us fall into that "brain hardwired for fear." One of the basic learning steps for a child is when she can tell how one thing is different from another. I've always wondered at what point does that go from recognizing differences to fear.