Aftermath Of The Marriage Resolutions
The strong majority vote of
the Bishops to allow same gender marriages was followed the next day by a similar
strong majority concurring vote of the Deputies. This landmark action was
inevitably followed by the social media reactions attacking the decision from
both left and right. The right of course calls it a betrayal of traditional
church teachings. The frustration from the left is that dissenting bishops were
not mandated to authorize the rites but to otherwise “provide access” to the
marriage rites as dissenting bishops were required to do for women’s
The social media reaction is not
news because it was, as I said, inevitable. The news is how the Church is
handling the aftermath. The conservative dissenting bishops issued a statement
objecting to the action. But this time, they advised the House of Bishops in
advance of what they were doing and why they were doing it. They assured us of
their continuing fidelity to the Episcopal Church. This came following the
earlier debate on the marriage resolutions in which the dissenting bishops had
expressed their appreciation to the Marriage Task Force for proposing a canon
that allowed them to continue their ministry without violating their
consciences. In a word, they treated the majority with Christian consideration.
The House of Bishops
responded by unanimously passing a resolution, Communion Across Difference:
We the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church wish to
our love and appreciation for our colleagues who identify
Communion Partners and those who have affinity with
(in) their “Communion Partners Salt Lake City Statement” . . . . We give particular thanks for the steadfast
witness of our colleagues in the
Communion Partners. We value and rely on
their commitment to the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. . . . We
affirm that they are an indispensible part of the House of Bishops . . . . Our
church needs their witness . . . .The equanimity, generosity, and graciousness with
which the
Partners have shared their views on Christian
and remain in relationship is a model for us and for
lay and ordained leaders in our dioceses to follow.
thank God that in the fullness of the Holy Trinity
can and must remain together as the Body of Christ . . . . .
Canon Catherine defines
wisdom as doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way. I feel in
my bones, this time we got it right.
The Gospel As Budget
Both houses passed the budget today. It was a brave
budget in that it committed to reducing the percentage of its income each
diocese was required to pay, but nonetheless predicted an increase in giving
from the dioceses. We stepped out in faith that more dioceses would begin working
toward paying their share of the costs of the wider Church. We made paying the
assessment mandatory. The penalties are not harsh. So we are relying on
dioceses to fulfill their obligation now that we have made it an obligation.
This is a matter of faith in God and faith in each other.
The budget also allocated
several million dollars for new church plants and revitalizing congregations
that have declined. Evangelism was the main part of the mission to surge to the
top in this budget, fitting with the priorities of our new Presiding
One mission priority, at the
top of my list, was originally given no funding whatsoever in this triennium’s
budget – The Episcopal Network for Stewardship. However, the Deputies amended
the budget to provide TENS with a $150,000 grant for the coming three years and
the Bishops concurred.
By the time the budget
reached the Bishops, we were exhausted and emotionally worn down by arduous
processing of the restructuring canons and resolutions. So when we saw the
budget, our exhaustion manifested as fear and a sense of scarcity. We
misunderstood things to make the budget seem scarier than it was. We also
seemed to be nervous about evangelism. But several Bishops spoke up about
having the courage of our convictions. Then the budget passed with overwhelming
We had already passed the
bureaucracy-trimming resolution cutting the Standing Commissions from 75 to
2. I was pleasantly surprised by that
decision, as I thought we would turf guard to protect our own pet projects. But
we got past that human tendency and simplified the Church considerably.
The area I thought would be
the real bone of contention was lines of authority in the Church staff. Having
the Presiding Bishop manage the staff, just as a Diocesan Bishop manages a
diocesan staff or a rector manages a parish staff, made obvious sense. But
there is some serious anti-bishop sentiment that focuses especially on this
point so I did not think we were likely to see this longstanding squabble
resolved. But lo and behold the House of Deputies not only passed a sane and
sober resolution, they improved it. I think that caught the bishops off guard,
so we found one small point where the Presiding Bishop’s authority over the
staff was infringed upon and we fretted over it, in my view, to excess. But
after sleeping on it last night, we came back this morning, having regained our
sanity, and overwhelmingly passed the resolution. The Deputies extended an
olive branch, which once the bishops got their minds around it, we accepted
There was another extremely
complex resolution that set the rate of assessment at 15% phased in over six
years, made it mandatory, and set consequences but mixed those provisions in
with all sorts of other things, like merging dioceses, establishing dioceses,
funding the Presiding Bishops and President of the House of Deputies’ offices,
etc. etc. etc. It was like reality, good and evil intertwined into a tapestry
of regulatory befuddlement. In the end, we defeated part of the resolution in a
way that just left things as they are for the time being, realizing they may
need to be improved down the road. But we passed the necessary parts of the
Resolution make the assessment mandatory, to begin the reduction toward 15%,
and provide flexibility to allow dioceses to adjust.
This has been a different
convention. We are younger and more creative than before. 66% of the Deputies
were either first or second timers. In previous conventions first and second
timers have made up fewer than 45% of the Deputies. We had an Official Youth
Presence, an unofficial youth presence, and lots of young adults. At the
Eucharist yesterday, I sat with a young adult from Georgia. I had known her
when she was a toddler. Now she’s a sophomore at University of Georgia. The
whole thing had quite a different feel.
When the Church met in
Phoenix for General Convention, 1991, the issues weren’t that divisive. Gene
Robinson would not be elected for over a decade. Same gender marriage was not
on the agenda. But the disputes in the House of Bishops were so intense that
security had to be called in to prevent violence. Compare that to the
considerate gesture of the Community Partners and the Communion Across Difference resolution of the entire House of
Previous Presiding Bishop
elections have been marked by ideological divisions. There were always petition
candidates. Some were just nominated by admirers but others were thrown in to
increase the discord. This time there were no such candidates and we elected
our first African American Presiding Bishop by a landslide vote on the first
The bridges built between the
Deputies and the Bishops bring us together to get on with the mission. All in
all, we have so much to celebrate from this Convention, it will take us months
to absorb it and years to live into it.
Thanks so much for all these great posts keeping us informed about GC and sharing your perspective!